7 Modern Design principles used in ancient sculptures of Ellora Caves.

Purva Wagh
3 min readJan 8, 2021


The principles of visual design are immensely useful and effective. They let the viewers understand the visual composition without any impediment.

These principles are being used by humans since the genesis of creation in any form. The principles of visual communication are found in patterns from nature and humans have always been observing and taking inspiration from it.

The Ellora caves and its sculptures being very marvelous and famous monuments, I had to analyze the principles in their design which make them so appealing. I found out some really interesting things.

But first some brief information of the caves :)

Kailasa Temple Ellora Caves; Credit : Wikimedia commons
Kailash temple, Ellora

Ellora is a UNESCO world heritage site located near Aurangabad, Maharashtra , India. There are about 100 amazing caves in basalt rock which date back to 600- 750CE. They were built by the Rashtrakuta kings and have unique combinations of architectural elements.

Coming back to the visual design, ancient stone sculptures in general are excellent examples because they convey a story (mostly mythological) by uniting all the elements.

All the sculptures have a really fine Balance of negative and positive space. The visual weight spans all over the area thus making it look uniform.

Repetition of intricate motifs and patterns creates a sense of consistency which create beautiful borders.

The figures in the sculptures are in different Scales to create Emphasis on the subject the composition. It can be observed certain elements are the background and the others are in the foreground.

This use of figure and ground creates a visual Hierarchy which guides the viewers through the sculpture.

All the elements in these sculpture come together to create a sense of wholeness. This Unity in the design allows it to tell a story.

These were the principles I could observe in the sculptures. Along with ingenious architectural and sculptural conception, the advanced craftmanship from such old times is what makes them so astonishing and spectacular.



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